June 23, 2023
Nikki Udezue Foundation carried out a day outreach , two venues fully sponsored by #BECAUSEICAN
Our Donor specified that NIKKI UDEZUE FOUNDATION should develop an impact driven project to touch the lives of women and girls on her birthday.
NUF designed PAD A GIRL CHILD 2023 educating young girls on proper menstrual hygiene. #BECAUSE I CAN also provided funds for NUF to visit a hospital on her special day, to settle some outstanding medical bills and pay some indigent patients in dire need of drugs . Also #BECAUSEICAN provided funds for purchase of over 30 bags (480packs) of sanitary pads for over 150 children giving each girl child 2 two cycles of sanitary pads each.
We are blessed to have Nigerians in Diaspora who want to give back to the society and find us credible to carry out their projects. NUF is humbled and grateful for little steps.
NUF will continue to pride its self in its core values. We are a very transparent organization and are super thankful to #BECAUSEICAN for trusting us to deliver every little detail. God bless the Donor on her birthday , 24th June 2023 and thank you for your service to humanity. The world is definitely a better place having beautiful people like you in it. God bless you.
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